Month: april 2010
April 4-8. Hong Kong.
I must have flown to Hong Kong today. Immigration is nothing to remember and the airport train service costs 100 Hong Kong dollars. Jet set. I wish I could pen down some impressions about Hong Kong, the important port that Britain leased for 99 years because of the opium trade and has given back ...
April 1-3. Sweating out India.
March 31. Four hours of buses, taxis, rickshaws to get to the wrong place.
March 29-30. Taj Mahal.
March 28. All about Krishna.
March 27. Monosodium Glutamate English.
March 26. Inspiring people.
Our host Kaushik flies to Mumbai today to give a lecture about device driver pre-installing optimization. We say goodbye and move to our other host near central Delhi. It takes us a long time, but when we finally get there we feel very welcome. A big blue backpack signalizes the presence of another couchsurfer, ...