July 30. Moscow.

Early arrival in Moscow Kazanskaya station. Walk around that station looking for the internet. O how dependent I have made myself. Don’t swear. Buy a cup of hot water and sit for a moment outside the station building in the drizzling rain, observing three women putting a raincover on a pram. See the long line at the metro ticket window. Buy a ticket to the Lenin Libary and finally find a coffee place where I can connect to the internet. Sit on a wooden chair with a sore ass for many hours. Finally I get my blog updated and some writing done. I spend the whole day in “Le Pain Quoditien”, my favorite place in Kamergenski street, close to the Red Square. They have internet and I can contact my couchsurfer. She lives with three friends in a flat southeast from the city center. We have a beer together and I sleep well on the floor.

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