Hypocrisy revisited
I don't like to write about the same topic twice, but in the case of hypocrisy I'm glad to make an exception. In what follows I promote an enhanced flavour of it, so those who believe hypocrisy to be intrinsically unsuitable as a starting point are advised to browse elsewhere. The word ὑπόκρισις is an ...
Dialectical Hypocrisy
1. It's Sunday so I would like to describe the history of our civilization as the dialectical process of overcoming hypocrisy. I don't believe in interpreting historical development in a Hegelian way as the embodiment of a purely logical principle, and to be honest I lack the intellectual vigor to pursue such an endeavour. But ...
Oath of Hypocrisy
In medicine, doctors swear the Hippocratic Oath, promising that they'll use their abilities in the best interest of their patients. Whether or not that includes euthanasia doesn't matter here. The Oath is close to sacred and medical commissions can respond to its violation with severe punishment. When it comes to affairs of the mind, a ...
April 25. Hypocrisy and Santiago Mataindios.
Up 10am. Check out. Breakfast: real espresso I showed the girl from the hostel how to make it and a sandwich with a fried egg. Read bilingual Gideon bible I found in the hostel to improve my Spanish and have a glance at Jesus' words once again. After all, they are the weightiest words in ...