Toen ik mijn dochter afgelopen donderdag naar haar balletles begeleidde, ontdekte ik dat er op verzoek van een aantal Koreaanse ouders een kijkraampje in de deur van de gymzaal was gecreëerd, waar deze plaatsvindt. Tijdens de les gaat de deur dicht zodat de kinderen zich kunnen concentreren, en deze oplossing was elegant, out of the ...
Licht autisme
Kent u de ervaring dat u zichzelf toestond gebruik te maken van een label om uw gelijk te halen, zonder dat dit label u expliciet werd aangemeten door de psychiatrische industrie? Dat u bijvoorbeeld verwees naar een nooit gediagnosticeerde lichte dyslexie om te voorkomen dat uw spelfouten in verband zouden worden gebracht met een gebrek ...
Non-destructive Travel
There has been a lot of fuzz about our "carbon footprint" and most articles on non-destructive traveling start and end with quoting our unsustainably high carbon dioxide emissions on international flights. The obvious result of these well-intended pieces is that readers can't hear it any longer and lose interest in non-destructive travel altogether. The climate ...
June 23. Lobbying for a good cause.
We wait in the lobby of the Hilton hotel for her. It is a landmark here in Hua Hin and we figured a suitable place for a meetup. We have a look around and see the tourists munching, swimming, relaxing, reading, drinking - this is many people's idea of paradise. We could have jumped in ...
June 11. Wasn’t there this swine-flu thing?
A scary but improbable continuation of this blog:
Walking through the ancient Aztec town of Teotihuacan, he feels a light pain in his forehead and a nasty caugh deep down his throat. Yes, he has read the newspaper and he knows that the WHO has just increased the pandemia level to six, and that's as ...
Helsinki #1. How to grow a Swede.
I got up at 6am (why do I write the 'am'? Getting up at 6pm is not really about the kind of trip I'm making), so got up at six, slipt slyly out of my bed, packed my back, left a thank you note for Ellu on the table, took a banana and sneaked out ...