November 30. Caritas Egypt.

In the morning, after a good Egyptian breakfast, we visit Caritas Egypt as planned, and I ask a few questions about a center they are running in a more modest neighbourhood of the city. It sounds like they are doing real good work there so I decide to focus more on it ...
November 30. Caritas Egypt.
In the morning, after a good Egyptian breakfast, we visit Caritas Egypt as planned, and I ask a few questions about a center they are running in a more modest neighbourhood of the city. It sounds like they are doing real good work there so I decide to focus more on it and shortly after, ...
November 27. Pharaonic village.
The pharaonic village is definitely worth a visit. Obviously, it is a tourism getaway of the purest kind, but if you want to refresh your knowledge about ancient Egypt, this is your place. I enter the village in the early afternoon and take a smooth boatride passing a dozen divine statues listening to the synchronized ...
Misa village
Poor family in Misa Village, CairoThe Misa Village is within sight of the Pyramids, yet poverty is ubiquitous here.

We decide to support one family on the eve of an important religious celebration and by shoes for the children.

Namefamily in Misa village near GizaAimTo allow a destitute muslim family to celebrate ...
November 24. Pondering possibilities in Cairo
An easy day in the café, updating and promoting my internet presence. It seems to take off now. Looking for Charity and Travel on google gets you to my website. I have to spend long hours behind the machine now in order to be seen. Shouting like a rough salesman on a fish market buy ...
November 23. Gaza.
Mohammed wakes me up at six, and I go to the bus with a disconcerting feeling of insecurity. Will I get into Gaza? Will I be searched? Questioned? Will I get stuck in Gaza? Hit by an Israeli bomb or bullet? I cannot risk too much since the success of my journey is strictly dependent ...
Caritas Egypt
Caritas Egypt, CairoNovember 28th, 2009Caritas Egypt does community outreach in empoverished areas of Cairo. They provide cheap healthcare and vocational training for marginalized and mentally challenged children.

We visit one of their centers in Cairo and make a modest contribution for the education of mentally challenged children.

NameCaritas Egypt, Mataraya centerAimTo help ...
November 21.
I get back to downtown Cairo today, have a good breakfast, and work in a nice café. In the evening, some very nice guys take me out and tell me about the soccer tragedy that is going on between Algeria and Egypt. We have some tea together before they take me to a youth hostel ...
November 20. All our presidents are underground.
The jagged contours of the mountainous Egyptian coastline reflect the bright sunlight that is waking me up. I am one of the many passengers that lie scattered on the carpet floor of the bar in hull of the vessel. There is no passport in my pocket, just a piece of paper that says I have ...