Reading: Burning of books by Bertolt Brecht
Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956)! When I was living in Berlin I intuitively liked the other of the Dreigroschenoper and Mutter Courage, even though I never sat through a live performance of his great plays for lack of money. He would understand. In his poetry, Brecht was a master of political verse, if I may lecture you ...
Book Publishing – Traversing Africa
Book Publishing - Traversing Africa
29. September 2011. Rabat / Seoul
Yeon and Kamiel have decided to work from different locations for a little while. Yeon will be promoting her book about Charity Travel in South Korea the coming month, while Kamiel will try to travel from Morocco to Kenya overland on a budget. If ...
News Update
News Update
November 3 - November 19. Berlin, Mellensee.As the weather turned drizzling dreary, we were working on chapters of the charity travel book, as well as Yeon's children illustration book. Met with but their workload is too high- together we decided a seperate website for independent volunteers is a good idea. We want ...
List of resources
Books and Articles
Bill Clinton, Giving
le monde diplomatique, Atlas of Globalisation
Oxfam, The pocket humanitarian handbook

Movies and Videos
The Story of Stuff by Ann Leonard
Obama's Speech in Berlin Cameron's special feature about the dam at Belo Monte
Michael Moore in Norway
We feed the World | Food, Inc. | The Future ...