porn is the betrayed idyll
that came looking for itself
And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh –
Friedrich Nietzsche
I fell in love three times
A few months ago, in a period of soul-searching that can happen to the best of us, I fell in love three times. I try to be a faithful poetic observer and report to you how exactly that happened. My first amorous encounter was with Cuban superstar Camilla Cabelo, chiefly because of her aphrodisiacal voice ...
Most obscure poet
I google "most obscure poet" and I find poets whose obscurity has become a brand A certain mr. Puce from a town named Truth and Consequences was engaged in wordplay A lady wrote three poems a day by the time when she was eighty the boxes had reached the ceiling Meanwhile, a child knows obscurity ...
A birthday wish
One year ago, for my 38th birthday, all I could wish and hope for was the absence of toothache. Unfortunately for me, I didn't get it. 'If and only if', my daily mantra became, 'my mind is not distracted by that pain in the upper jaw, so very close to the brain, I will do ...
We say to 'rise' to fame and to 'fall' in love. Correction. We fall in fame and we rise to love.
The venerated veal reared to reveal a real venereal ordeal.
A poet is a lazy philosopher - K. Choi, lazy poet
Dear Miru, Your calculating is improving and you actually like it. We play with numbers together. Two times ten is twenty. Six plus five is eleven. Ten minus 2 equals eight. It is all very playful. You learn how to figure out calculations by making drawings of dots, lines, squares on the whiteboard. You don't ...