Exodus 41

And Moses sayeth unto the LORD

I implore you my LORD, could you give me a glass of water?

The LORD, comfortably seated was holding in His hand a celestial glass of water. But His heart was capricious and on that day, He did not feel like charity, nor did the thought cross His mind that he could charge the Israelites for it.

No! Thundered He.

Oh LORD, sayeth Moses, could I at least have one SIP of water, for my throat is dry and I have difficulty speaking Thy name or praising Thee.

No! Answered the LORD, I am a capricious god and not in need of your flattery in the present year. Try again after one full revolution around the sun, you noble FOOL.

AND the LORD layeth back and relaxeth.

One last time, Moses tried.

Oh LORD, could you give me one drop of water?

One drop? Exclaimed the LORD. OH my god, such a ridiculous request! Hahaha!

And the LORD laugheth and thus spoiled the water in His celestial cup. On earth, it began to rain and behold, it was a rain that the Holy Land had never seen!

Moses spread his hands and stuck out his tongue, so much he rejoiced in the Rain.

The LORD kept laughing at His humble servant’s ridiculous request and it raineth for seven days and seven nights. Then the LORD’s cup was half empty and upon noticing this circumstance, He stopped laughing.

Thank you, oh LORD, sayeth Moses, for he hath lost a dozen friends in the floods.

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