We are not alone

Unedited raw version of a story idea.

Hello me call Helena me live in Kazachstan and like your profil very much. Next time I send you foto of me if you like. I looking for good candidate husband am very loyal wife of only nineteen years old. Me live alone and sometimes am lonely waiting for the strong man please send me mail and we can start the love, Helena Kraznikova

To whom it may concern, I am Richard H. Odongu, writing on behalf of the late sir Clancey Williams who has passed away last month. He has bequeated the sum of one 100.000.000 usd (hundred million dollars) in his will, but as he has no next of kin this amount will be flowing into the state’s coffers if no suitable candidate presents himself. I am writing you in good faith because you are chosen by our internal revenue services to appear as said candidate. All you have to do is receive these monies and we will reward you 5 per cent of the total amount. Please reply to my e-mail with your full name, address, and bank account number so we can establish a trusted linkage. Yours faithfully, Richard H. Odongu

Hello Richard thank u for your answer do you want me to send some photos? My weight 56 kilos I look forward to meet you we can have good time before the mariage what do you think? Kisses, Helena Kraznikova

Dear Helena, thank you for your swift reply and willingness to co-operate. Please allow me to re-iterate my humble request to send me the information regarding your postal address and your bank account number so that we can initiate the wire transfer. I appreciate you soonest reply, best regards, Richard.

Dear Richard yes we will me live in Almaty very nice house to come for you will be beautifull think. I cook the tradition meal for you what do you think I am much happy now that we found the love. Love Helena.

Helena, thank you very much for your co-operation. I have a large family here in Nigeria and very big dreams. One day, I will go to America and see Hollywood boulevard. But first we need to resolve the issue at hand regarding the monetary transaction for late sir Williams. Could you initiate a wire transfer to my bank account for the amount of 200 (two hundred) dollars only so as to verify the monetary stability of the interbank connection we are establishing. In good faith, Richard.

Dear Richard, I will do this what you ask for very soon thank you it has been the long time since I fell love with you I feel different. We go America together maybe? I am the loyal wife did you like my photo pic I send you more?

Dearest Helena, there are not many people on this world I trust. In you have have regained my faith, that was all but destroyed in the horrible events that took place in my country last year you might have heared about. You are the most wonderful woman I have ever encountered. My biggest dream is now to go to America together with you and live in Las Vegas. Accept my warmest regards and if I may offer a humble kiss.

My Richard, yes yes I will. I love you so strongly I want to be with you forever my darling. You give me feeling of warm and pleasure in my heart. I will be yours forever and we will have many childrens. Love Helena.

My dear Helena, it has been accomplished. This is our moment. Here in these lines we celebrate our eternal love. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t know you. All the words in the world do not serve to describe the burning love I feel for you, for us, for everything. The simple fact of our existence makes me drunk with happiness. Everything has been reconciled. I enclose you forever in my deepest and warmest embrace.

One thought on “We are not alone

  1. Nice one! To combine two of these phishing mails, of people that are trying to mislead or deceive you is something I would never have thought about. But it is a great find!

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