
Apart from the supported projects, Charity Travel currently affiliates with the following organizations and initiatives:
If you are an organization working in a related field and want to affiliate with us, please send us an e-mail or leave a comment here.

6 thoughts on “Organizations

  1. Dear Sir,
    We are running an Orphanage with 65 children aged between 6 to 13 years both girls and boys with small school for them. It is very difficulty to maintain the Orphanage. If you are in a position to help and pay the way to do kindly give me some useful information and I would like to affiliate with you. Kindly give me your feed back to me.
    Thanking you,

    Yours sincerely,
    Rev. Kondeti Vijaya Satyanand
    Founder Chairman,
    Gracious Paradise Charitable Foundation

  2. I'm not sure if it would fit in this particular section (or anywhere on your affiliates section at all), but I'm interested in affiliating my growing blog with your own wonderful blog.

    I really like what I see here, and it would be wonderful to be able to share information. :]

  3. Big Heart Project is currently seeking volunteers to teach English as
    well as many other things in our project including playing games with
    the children and more. The project is located in Takeo province which
    is a one hour taxi ride from Phnom Penh (one and a half by bus).

    We are currently renting four classrooms in the local government
    school. This has been very beneficial to the community as the number
    of students in the government school has dramatically increased since
    our involvement. We are working hard to ensure that our new centre
    will be complete soon. At this stage we teach English as extra
    curricula, but we will expand when we can settle in our new centre and
    open up a vocational training centre, where the children can choose
    their area of study, giving them practical skills to find an income
    and meaningful work. We will continue to teach in this school when our
    centre is complete as it will be 5 kilometers away and the children
    can only to ride their bikes or walk to get to school.

    We currently have over 315 students (which range from orphans to
    students in a more stable environment) and the numbers grow everyday,
    but sadly we will have to start turning the children away if we do not
    have more teachers as we are almost at our capacity with our current

    If you feel you have something to offer our project please do not
    hesitate to contact us. We feel that everyone has the capacity to help
    in their own unique way.

    Your stay with us will be an authentic Cambodian experience as you
    will stay with a local family and be surrounded by the culture of the
    village. We only ask that you pay a small amount for accommodation and
    food to help support the project and the family that have kindly
    opened up their home to our volunteers. The family consists of a
    married couple that live on their own and would struggle to support
    themselves without our help. They are not only part of the project,
    but have become part of our family. Mother (as we call her) does all
    the cooking and everyone sits around a table and eats together. It is
    a very friendly home to share.

    The costs:
    accommodation: $3 per day
    food: $5 per day (3 vegetarian meals a day).

    We hope that you can find the time to come and visit our project
    whether you can spare a few days of a few months, anything would be a
    benefit to the children.

    With Love,
    The Big Heart Project Team.

    Phone: Australia: +61 (03) 9018 7653
    Cambodia: +855 77528514

    I shall pass through this world but once, any good thing therefore I can do
    or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature,
    let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.

  4. Dear Sir/Madam ,

    while browsing through your very exciting and nice website we realised our organisation could benefit alot from your wonderful programmes. If possible, we shall be very happy to receive and host you in Cameroon.

    United Action for Children is a child and youth centered organisation operating in the South West Region of Cameroon.Its mission is to develop a caring and sustaining society for children and young people through innovative programmes.

    Within this mission, we run a vocational training centre in Computer, sewing, agriculture, woodwork, electricity and other trades.

    We also run an elementary education programme for orphans and vulnerable children.Under this we operate and run two nursery/primary schools in Buea and Mamfe with enrolment of 640 and 320 children respectively .The Vocational Training Centre in woodwork,agriculture,painting,electricity,cookery,sewing and computer for rural based and street children.It has a current enrolment of 280 young people.We train for self employment.

    We also have other ongoing projects such as the School on Wheels project into rural communities,Small scale water projects in deprived villages, Remedial Reading project and Sports(Community Sports for Development Project).

    Our main reason of writing you is to see in what way your organization can be of help to our programmes.
    More information about UAC and its programme can got from or Turing Foundation of Netherlands and Streetfootballworld Network Germany.

    We really lookforward to hearing from you.

    Accept our kindest regards

    Orock Thomas
    Project Coordinator

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