Berlin and getting organized. Perhaps I have developed a sharp nose for decadence, a term I have a hard time defining by the way. But let's give it a try, you have seen weirder things at this spot. So, what then, is decadence? A bundle of images comes to my mind. People critizising everybody else, ...
Berlin and getting organized. I must be riding the metro today, going from meeting to meeting, frantically fighting the depression that is luring in every corner of this city. It is dangerous to be here! How exciting! Dangerous, despite all the friendly people that seem to care about you because you can program their computers. ...
Berlin and getting organized. Welcome back to my depressing transmission. It will become juicy again I promise. Just have to get on the move again. What's wrong with running anyway? And your unabilities, you better understand that they have a function too. Aren't you a bundle of functional fiber? You have to understand the function ...
Berlin and getting organized. Sometimes I think I can't have real interest in anything. As soon as I try to pursue who knows what, the history of the Roman Empire, a specific problem in quantum mechanics, Goethe's Farbenlehre, Hindi, elementary astrophysics, up-to-date fysiology of the brain, Baudelaire's poetry, an exotic class of differential equations, the ...
Good breakfast... oh those lazy days. I try to write at least a bit, but feel dumb due to the lack of many factual knowledge that I once obtained. It is in some coffee house I work and spend my day. It is the same thing I always do, in Buenos Aires, in Seoul, in ...
Happily I arrive in Berlin, Michelsberg or something, a small village on the southern ring, from where a hypothetical train could lead me to the centre. I sleep on a park bench for several hours, step on the train that has become real dead-tired and go to my friends' place to surprise them. How warm ...
Another Lituanian truck driver takes me almost all the way through Poland, and I have dinner in a roadside restaurant that accepts visa. A group of friendly English-speaking Poles offers me a ride to Poznan. One of them has just come back from a ten day hike in Spitzbergen, of which he narrates with excitement. ...
Hitchin' back to Berlin hardcore. I am a thirty-year-old man and here I am sticking out my thumb in need for a ride back to the city that depressed me so much. I have to get some stuff done, there is a lot of stuff to be done. Preparations. Rearmament. Make sure I'm good to ...
I'll be writing about the awe of being; hence I'll be fine. Hush, hush! Make it denser, perhaps even by adopting a story line. Write with passion, write with heart. Do I envy Jonathan Safran Foer and his brilliant girlfriend Nicole Kraus? They find recognition, the press praising you to into the clouds and beyond? ...