Month: juli 2009
July 12. The human predicament.
July 11. Wet eyes and all.
July 10. Avant-garde.
July 9. Jarmusch, Black Jesus
Retrieve the Russian visa. Calm when you wait in line. It is raining. I don't do much these days and I damn well know why. I have changed my intention 180 degrees. I was so keen on seeing some ex-girlfriend, check out if she is happy, if her family is happy, that kind of ...
July 8. A snowman in the sauna complex.
July 7. Interview with mr. K.
July 6. Ultimate Freedom and Peace of Mind.
July 5. Who is the zombie?
Play "Who is the Zombie?"Cast: - a random group of people - a zombie; the zombie should look exactly like the people in the groupThe zombie has to mix ...