March 31. The Stranger cannot win.

O The biggest poser might also be saying some true words. I play this. This is a first-person novel but as a person I want to put you first. It is an experimental thing I think should be done and it costs me less time doing it myself than looking up in the records of the surrealist writers who have already done it. It’s not about O understanding or even communicating some ideas I cooked up in my private kitchen. Maybe it’s about Otherness. About the struggle between the Stranger and his Conceptualization, a struggle the O stranger cannot win.

See what I am heading at? The world is the best therapy. Take my word for it. She can show you so much, you can feel big, you can feel small, you can see how big we are, you can see how small we are. Laughing. Smiling. Trying to live with an everlasting smile on my face that will not annoy anyone – that’s harder than it seems. A smile nobody wants to smash off your face. I don’t think it’s possible. What do you think? You never say anything back. A person that always smiles, she will inevitably become a pain in the ass won’t she? I am really wondering. And hoping.

The woman who was not Sara left yesterday.

One thought on “March 31. The Stranger cannot win.

  1. we all know the everlasting smiles, she lives beneath our consciousness, we can reach her, it’s up to our will, she warm us when we reach her and we can smile too, the more we reach her the more we can smile, her name is called – kindness.

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