February 4. City over the Rainbow.

Famous scene with Streetcar 

The next day, I turned into a tourist. Got up early, same breakfast, same women, same atmosphere. But I met Alicia, a little Chinese woman who was nice to talk to. With her and some other guys we walked up to the castle. If you’re visiting Lisbon, you should walk up to the castle first, provided the weather is good. You’ll have a great view over downtown Lisbon and the red bridge in the distance.
We entered the castle without the other guys, and took a lot of pictures. I’ll upload them to different albums on Picasa, so my readers can see the photographic harvest of every single day. That castle was interesting indeed. Built on a hill with an abundancy of defense structures I didn’t know they existed. Man is ingenious defending himself from other men, he’s freaking brilliant. So the weather was so wunderful. We went to Belém where the tower of Belém is, the Torre de Belém is a nice building with canons still inside. Free entrance for students and
people who have student complexion like myself and Alicia. The tower is part of the Tejo defense. There was a tower on the other side of the river as well and once the artillery was
powerful enough they covered all of the water. No Armada could sail in here. I have to tell a secret about the tower, or something I like to call a secret but is just a publicly know fact. From the second floor, you can see a Rhinoceros shaped corbel unter the bartizan. I gazed at it, it made me happy. We had some Pastéis de Belém which is known as the best even the recipy is a secret. The sun, o the sun it was hot for early February. We went back to Lisbon, had a simple dinner in the Barrio Alto. I brought Alicia to a bus she went to Sevilla she didn’t have so many days off. The busses leave at the Zoo, and I lived near the Zoo with couchsurfers Rui and Viviane, the sun was still shining late that night.

For some photographs, see this album on Facebook if you are a member of Facebook.
Otherwise, see this Picasa album.

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