Code Is Not Poetry
Much of the Internet, including these words, "runs on" a piece of software called Wordpress. It has become the most popular blogging platform because of smart architecture, passionate contributors, and a healthy bit of good luck. You are likely to know Wordpress, and also its slogan "Code is Poetry" might sound familiar. I write code ...
Finding Your Right Languages To Write In
It sounds arrogant or strange, but I believe that the clarity of our expression can sometimes benefit if we become guests in another language and say in her what we have to say. We enter her, admire her portal and marvel at the subtleties that are new to our ears. As we proceed, we incorporate ...
Two Strangers

How much peace is in an evening walk
of two near strangers at the bay
when they hold hands and gently talk
even if their peace - has gone awayHow much truth lies there, for a little while
when of human needs the most divine
between a thoughtful nod and then a smile
is ...

Istanbul, December 2011. After a really nice visit to Dutch poet Martijn Benders, who gave me two of his poetry books on the occasion, I decided to do one of the poems in English because I think it would be a good poetic anthem for the "occupy" movement. I take all the blows, of ...
The Art is to Mean it. Not just to Say it.
One of the craftsmen whom we first expect self-reflection from (apart from the philosopher, of course), is the poet. We would like to read a theoretical, tangible account of their motivation to write and why they think poetry matters.
Since my poetic aspirations were not all nipped in the bud by the frown that ends ...