Touchdown and first days in Nairobi
March 19, 2012. Nairobi, Kenya.We are in Nairobi now for almost a week and found the place more or less unchanged since we left two years ago. This time, we didn't plan much in advance so we are now looking for places where we can help. We will go back to the Rainbow Center in ...
December 21. Ilja’s birthday. Beginning of the orphanage.
And so we wake up and look around. We are in a house made of mud, the traditional Luo way of building, and we are surrounded by cattle, chicken, children, long grass and aloe vera plants. This is it. They show us the plot of land where we are going to build the orphanage and ...
December 20. Lake Victoria!
We have a safe but exhausting Matatu journey to Kisumu, Kenya's third largest city, where we install ourselves for the first time in the cybercafé in the Megaplaza, which will become our main communication channel for the next weeks. We meet Philip, the future managing director of the orphanage, and like him at first sight. ...
December 13-19. Chameleon.
Picking up Yeon from the airport early in the morning. Her flight is delayed so we wait and introduce ourselves to a British lady who is on her way to Tanzania. There she is - she has made it, and we are happy. I brief her about what Charity Travel has been doing in Kenya ...
December 12. And let there be darkness. Projection in a church.
We travel back to Nairobi in the morning, arriving at 4pm but still in time to do our session in the church. There are 200 children singing and clapping when we arrive and introduce ourselves. First we offer all of them a simple healthy meal of rice and beans, and they like it. We call ...
Rainbow Community Excellence Center
In a small village near Kisumu, we have built an orphanage together with our Kenyan friends. Charity Travel provided building materials and wages for the workers. Many local and international volunteers helped out. Thanks! More than the foundation had been done after 2 weeks A small community can have a great vision. When we traveled ...
Vision for the lost souls ministries
Vision for the lost souls, NairobiNairobi, Kenya. December 7th, 2009The Vision for the Lost Souls orphanage in Nairobi is well managed and has received considerable media attention. The director is also supporting a school in Ciongombé.

We hold a sensitizing session for 187 kids and show them a movie with our pocket projector.
December 2. Joy Valley. Famined orphans.
After a good night's sleep, we start right away, sensitizing in an orphanage called Joy Valley in a slum called Soweto after the South African province. What is the difference between a slum and the house I am living here, at walking distance from Soweto? Slums have semi-permanent buildings made of iron plates, no electricity, ...
Joy Valley Orphanage
Joy Valley is a struggling extremely poor orphan home and informal school in a slum area of Nairobi. Children are underfed, the school is treatened with closure by the government. We visit the orphan home several times, sensitize the children, and support money for sustainable income generation: a chicken coop, a sewing machine. Jared Otieno ...