The Aura of Money
A little anecdote that showed me recently what is wrong with our money: We were eating out in an Indian restaurant, where they serve excellent vegetarian dishes, fresh naan-bread and aromatic rice. The portions were quite large, and we were enjoying the many flavours, while feeding some of the salat cucumbers to our one-year old. ...
“But you need money”
Money. I've always had enough of it because of my natural thriftiness. So I can't really speak for those who have experienced real poverty (the UN's $1.25 a day kind of poverty), and for whom an empty wallet means an empty stomach. I know the predicament of all too many people: They simply need money ...
Why Conspiracy Theories are not even Necessary
As a way out I now think of creating pockets of moneyless economies, because EVERYTHING that we express in money seems to fall prey to the capitalists: The first step is putting a price tag on your land, the next is you selling out. I feel more and more that the dollar (the universal currency) ...
Money should have a flavor
How to start a contempary reflection about money, a reflection that should both instruct and entertain because it is bound to the format of a blog post, because it will live as an entry among millions on an internet website with a narrow time window of readership that extends not much further than two weeks ...