Reading: Meeting by Marina Tsvetsaeva
Marina Tsvetsaeva (1892-1941) I read Meeting in an English translation by Ilya Shambat who prepared it for the 110th anniversary of her birth in 2002. Meeting Evening dimmed, like ourselves charmed With this first warmth of the spring. Stirring alive, Arbat was alarmed; With sympathetic tenderness, the kind Gale touched us with a tired wing. ...
November 25. Ultimate sciencefiction.
The ultimate science fiction story. Gogolian.
In the year 2079 the informational content of our brain can be copied onto other strata. Most souls are depending on silicon to survive after their biological bodies have died. Silicon is much slower though than brain tissue. For the dead souls this does not matter since they have ...
August 2. The bucket and the well.

A lazy sunday. I wake up insanely late in the house of incredibly hospitable Maria and her mother, after good dreams about getting water at the well. They have well in the garden which they actually use for their drinking water. It is the first time I have ever taken water from a well, ...