Cooperative Maze Game
In these restricted times, I have played around with Scratch, a programming tool for children developed by MIT. After some tinkering I came up with a simple maze game. I decided to make the game cooperative: the players have to share their ammo to defeat the sharks and reach the next level. They have to ...
Be Farecul When You Ross The Croad
You learn very fast now. Lately, we have been playing "lettertjes omdraaien", exchange letters in words. Even though you don't really get the concept of spelling yet and how several letters make up a word (it is interesting that this mental apparatus is apparently rather complicated; letters are an abstraction, the unit of our language ...
Learning fun: Odd one out
Dear Miru, Everyday you are a little bit smarter. I try to catch up with you and come up with a suitable game. Today, I play 'The odd one out' with you. I mention four items and you tell me which one doesn't belong in the list and why. You are good at it! We ...