Short dialogues #2: on wisdom and time
I have been thinking about wisdom and time. - That sounds pretentious. Quite the opposite! The pursuit of timeless wisdom is pretentious. I am trying to think radical humility in the face of our own finite minds. - Empty words! Odious blabber! If we try to think ourselves outside our own time, we are implicitly ...
Short Dialogues #1: On sides
"The only imaginable motivation for what comes out of your mouth next is that it is a direct defence of your 'side'." - "Of course. I AM on my side!" "But what about truth-seeking? What about self-criticism? What about scrutiny?" - "Mutiny?" "No! Formulating our own harshest critique is going to be for the better." ...
April 8. Sex and the City.

There is now even a Sex and the City episode based on this character, I mean, there has to be one. Sex and the City is very popular.

Enter Rosy and Claire in a fancy New York café.
"Hi Claire, you look good today. You shine."
-"Thanks. I know what you're gonna ask ...