Aristotle and death
Death is the end, yet not the purpose of life, Aristotle said. But when you die it has to be done right the first time. The way you die will say a lot about your life. But doing something right implies purpose. What did Aristotle say about this?
A Meditation on power
Find a comfortable place to sit. Be aware of your posture. Is your back straight, are your knees below your waist? Breathe in calmly and deeply. Focus on the phenomenon of power. When have you experienced power over another living being or another living being exercising power over you? How did it feel? Is the ...
An artist is a sort of emotional or spiritual historian [whose] role is to make you realize the doom and glory of knowing who you are and what you are - James Baldwin
We say to 'rise' to fame and to 'fall' in love. Correction. We fall in fame and we rise to love.
A poet is a lazy philosopher - K. Choi, lazy poet
The English language is nobody's special property. It is the property of the imagination: it is the property of the language itself. - Derek Walcott
The Gods are Back
The gods are back, companions. Right now they have just entered this life; but the words that revoke them, whispered underneath the words that reveal them, have also appeared that we might suffer together. - René Char
In Defense Of The Philosophy Faculty
When I began studying philosophy in 1997 some people called it navel-gazing. It is no different in 2017, as calls for austerity affect everything that doesn't generate a direct cash return. The reputation of philosophy, because it has no (and cannot have) direct practical value, is that of a complex game of words that refuses ...
Writing exercise #1: Deconstruction
Just for fun writing exercise, this time about a religious Ph.D. candidate in philosophy and what he had to say about Christopher Hitchens. His article can be found in crisis magazine. Please be candid with your comments and lay out to me where grammar and rhetoric are still lacking I would like to exercise and exorcise the vacuity ...