Meditation on purpose
We sit still with our eyes closed. In the distance, across the fields, are green hills. Alright, this is my concrete situation perhaps not yours. Never mind. The why-question or more precisely the what are we here for question is personally daunting. So much so, that we assume we can hardly help each other finding ...
The devil writes my business plan He’s into details and a persuasive man Brilliant in math i make him cfo if i can I wonder tough how he got his tan
Conversation and Correspondence
It has been said - I heard the physicist Freeman Dyson relating it - that the human urge to converse is akin to the termite's instinct to build castles. Perhaps the truth of this becomes most clear in the edge case of the hermit who converses or corresponds with an imaginary interlocutor. Henry David Thoreau ...
Meditation on Beauty
Begin with breathing, as usual. Today we think about beauty. Let us be aware of all the preconceptions and just look at them in our mind. Symmetrical patterns. Some sort of similarity with things we expect to give us pleasure. An evolutionary side effect like a peacock feathers that for the female peacock are not ...
But how can art keep us alive when it cannot kill us?
Free speech is the whole thing, the whole ball game. Free speech is life itself. - Salman Rushdie
"Attention is the natural prayer of the soul." - Malebranche
Death is a displaced name for a linguistic predicament. - Paul de Man
Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
Without further ado, let's assume the AI has all information available and imagine a debate with the world's foremost human intellectual. The AI will have a flawless argument that takes into account all the information in a superhuman fashion a human intellectual can never attain. Its rational reasoning is far superior. Recall the 2016 victory ...