A poetry reading
Hello my name is W. H. Nedua and my first poem is about a friend of mine who passed away: bllz lllz mbll zll bll lzzzbl lzlzlzlz bbbllz my next poem is about another friend who is not yet quite dead: zlllblz bllzzll bllzlll bllb mllmbbllz mmlplzlz and i would like to finish with a ...
Why does money corrupt?
So why does it? If you have it in abundance, it fails to give meaning in the obvious ways it does when we need it to meet our basic needs. The thought that the result of our endeavour - the amount on our bank account - is subject to inevitable inflation of meaning, is hard to bear. So we explore other pathways: consumption of expensive goods and services, and comparison to other people's "wealth". This is an impulse that doesn't care about the consequences. Think environmental and social inequality. In other words: it corrupts.
As Grand-Ork of the ninth subplanet in our Hadar System, I urge you to consider all beings equally and as equals. There has been a long-standing debate, that I happen to be well aware of, regarding the intrinsic worth of those fellow citizens who are in the possession of a number of tentacles that is ...
The hallmark of being human is that we can carry a story within us that aspires to more than our own pleasure, to a goal beyond the satisfaction of what we momentarily desire
Wealth redistribution?
During a walk in the forest, I listened to a recent episode of the Oxford-style debate series of Intelligence2. Oxford-style means that the position of the audience is registered before and after the debate, and the side that has gained the most percentage points, wins the debate.) The proposition was simple: Is it time for ...
A Reply To Žižek
Žižek has recently discussed Elon Musks Neuralink project, he gave the standard description of the situation, stressing with the usual drama that it means the death of communication. If our brains are connected by a wire, we have access to the contents of our thoughts without the mediating function of communication. The structural rules of ...
When I was elected President of the United States
A few nights ago, I dreamed that I was elected President of the United States. Not an unusual dream, as the job of the most powerful person in the world is naturally appealing to the subconscious apparatus that processes our experiences while we sleep. And given the condition of our world, it is no surprise ...
The best of lies make up the unstable truth for our unstable times