Letter to Donald Trump
Dear Donald, I just found out about an ancient (older than sleepy Joe Biden) Greek philosopher named Empedocles. Can you believe it? His name really is Empedocles. That is far worse than Enola Gay. The logic is flawless, whatever the fake media will say to cover this up. This Empedocles claimed that everything is composed ...
Short dialogues #2: on wisdom and time
I have been thinking about wisdom and time. - That sounds pretentious. Quite the opposite! The pursuit of timeless wisdom is pretentious. I am trying to think radical humility in the face of our own finite minds. - Empty words! Odious blabber! If we try to think ourselves outside our own time, we are implicitly ...
Application Letter
Dear Mr. Trump, I would like to inform you that I happily accept the job as a croupier (which, as I may add, is a tremendously brilliant portmanteau of 'groupie' and 'dealer', you are such a genius and I can't wait to work with you!) in your last remaining casino. Let's hope the odds are ...
Short Dialogues #1: On sides
"The only imaginable motivation for what comes out of your mouth next is that it is a direct defence of your 'side'." - "Of course. I AM on my side!" "But what about truth-seeking? What about self-criticism? What about scrutiny?" - "Mutiny?" "No! Formulating our own harshest critique is going to be for the better." ...
The opposite of Capitalism is not Socialism, but Laborism: an economical and politica system in which labor takes systematic precedence over capital. The power of the State is used to make labor, not capital, artificially scarce. Under Laborism, the workers have the power and the market is more free than can be realized under Capitalism.
Writing on Substack
A month ago, as part of my new year's resolution, I prepared a Substack account. I wanted to write something on it as soon as I would be pain-free for 24 hours. Today, I started a short note with the intention to announce the delay of my first essay. It turned into a short piece ...
Free society (noun) - social organization in which only the rich can organize to pay less taxes.
This 57-year-old lives in a $1,300 apartment to avoid clickbait
A 57-year-old man lives in a completely average apartment, paying exactly what you would expect for a run-of-the-mill shelter in a boring town. The apartment building is in no way remarkable, even if you try your best, it is virtually impossible to come with with anything that makes it stand out. When we reached out ...
We should not teach our children how to masturbate! - Why not, sir? Carnal pleasure should be rediscovered anew by every generation.