You are on your own, you think yourself unreachable. Somewhere on the side of the light. All talk about giving yourself up into the world, as if you can be glorious that way, and you sit there, cold light in your face, half way to darkness You make the senses light, more of the world ...
A heavy summer's day: arms, legs scratched reaching farther, dropping them in a small bin, then a bigger bucket we hear birdsong and from their soggy field some cows stare at us. A sudden smile comes over me. I am glued into the scene, berries are raining in my bin and my mouth is sweet ...
The constant buzzer of pain
that ugly fleeting empire
sending out its cavalry
to agitate my nerve tissue, to sabotage
every sound, every smell, every taste
and make me want to be replaced
but fail.
Hello pain, be welcome in my upper jaw. You will find an armchair. Make yourself comfortable. Stay as long as you like. I'll try to be quiet while you enjoy my hospitality. Could I offer you something to drink? Assorted snacks? Do you want to listen to some music? Tell me the story of your ...
your war-mongering sounds cheap like sophistry collecting malappropriated trophies for your bloated ego we don't like that amigo, spare us your credo of greater Russia or security for your Moscovite pricks you ain't nothing like the horseman on your old profile pic you small dick coward will be pounded by hiMARS and howitzers all of ...
The tiny sheepdog was very experienced, but the flock panicked and he died in the wool.
Sitting on a heated front seat of a car
my cock quietly hard
the driver silent, old rock music
slowly eating the darkness
wondering how it is
to live as a poet
in a world of only poets
They don't believe me, and they split
One they goes on and on repeating it
The other they says, spitefully, cope!
I despise them, and become a misanthrope
rice and beans
sprouts and greens
water and love
life itself - is enough