Turing-gedichtenwedstrijd 2013
Mieke van Zonneveld (1989) won vorig jaar de Turing-gedichtenprijs met deze woorden: Nee  Soms was er een aarzeling. Een kleuter op het strand die met zijn emmertje uit wassen ging. Ik zei ik ben niet vies maar toch bedankt. En hij: natuurlijk ben je vies geworden, overal ligt zand. Ik werd ellendig wakker. Op al mijn wegen ...
Collaborative Anti-Consumerism
The word "consumerism" seems to imply that the act of consuming is the essence of our being, something more profound than what existentialism or Freudianism were hinting at. I understand that pushing a shopping cart and loading it with things that we decide all by ourselves to pick from the shelves can occasionally give us ...
[series-miru] Pfffrt. Miru is now sixteen months, and she's adorable. I think I can't find the words for it, which is a wonderful irony because she is getting more expressive every day. I've been meaning to write this for a long time, and I have the feeling it might already be outdated because Miru is ...
Let’s call it a day
Suppose a respected scientific magazine would have written in October 1962 during the Cuba missile crisis, that a blow-up was inevitable, or even that the rockets were already in the air. Would the public just shrug it off and go about their business? But this is not the 1960s. In our "information" age, the intensity ...
The Enemy we Need?
Starring: Corporations (or rather any constellation that has so much capital at its disposal as to develop the emergent quality of being able to ignore the disastrous "externalities" they cause - of not giving a shit about reality) We are entering a new phase of schizophrenia. In today's globalized world the military powers might still ...
Oath of Hypocrisy
In medicine, doctors swear the Hippocratic Oath, promising that they'll use their abilities in the best interest of their patients. Whether or not that includes euthanasia doesn't matter here. The Oath is close to sacred and medical commissions can respond to its violation with severe punishment. When it comes to affairs of the mind, a ...
Countdown from Peak Child
I watched an entertaining and instructive talk by Swedish professor Hans Rosling the other day, because YouTube recommended this video. Mr. Rosling introduced himself as a dry statistics professor but did everything humanly possible to maximize the probability of laughter he induced among his mixed audience. Watch the first few minutes of his presentation and ...
The Aura of Money
A little anecdote that showed me recently what is wrong with our money: We were eating out in an Indian restaurant, where they serve excellent vegetarian dishes, fresh naan-bread and aromatic rice. The portions were quite large, and we were enjoying the many flavours, while feeding some of the salat cucumbers to our one-year old. ...
I've been dreaming about loss, why? Loss of material objects that were in my possession a decade ago (such as computer disks or books), or still having to finish some exams to earn my college degree or even my high school diploma (a recurring dream I have that I'd love to look up in the ...