I like to discover new music, but I don't like the algorithmic approach that calculates suggestions and tends to make us listen to whatever most people listen to. Yes, online music listening services tell us that they let us "discover" new music, but I miss something essential. I miss the romantic idea of discovering by coincident. Of course, I can ...
welkom, vreemdeling kom in mijn bed kom in mijn ziel nestel je in mij spreek je uit zing je sura en de hymne op je God hoera! welkom, vreemdeling kom schijten op mijn plee dring met huid en haar bij me naar binnen neem je familie mee je neven je nichten je hele dorp wil ...
Today, I took Miru out for a walk through the park and the few blocks I wanted to discover today. She strolled casually next to me on the sidewalk (and less casually when we went downhill). The part of Lisbon we explored is made for cars, and so I had the opportunity to teach her ...
What do you do when your two year old daughter points at your plate of spaghetti and says "papa" when you come into the kitchen? I was late for dinner the other day, due to trivial computer work that ate up my hours, and I hadn't eaten enough. Miru knows this exactly, and readily takes ...
Unedited raw version of a story idea. Hello me call Helena me live in Kazachstan and like your profil very much. Next time I send you foto of me if you like. I looking for good candidate husband am very loyal wife of only nineteen years old. Me live alone and sometimes am lonely waiting ...
mijn lichaam is het universum, kosmisch zijn mijn oren de zwaarste atomen zweven, wanneer ik de chaos ontketen in mijn ingewanden. Miljarden sterren worden geboren als mijn buik rommelt, want ik laat galactische scheten grote manen verslind ik bij het ontbijt, uit mijn neus vlammen gierende kometen, bij iedere toon die ik zing siddert alles ...