Month: januari 2012

Dagelijks verse gedachten

The ‘Charity Travel’ book got published in Korea!
Remember that Yeon went back to Korea last October to work on her book publication? It's finally out in Korea!
The title of the book is 'Good Travel Design' and it contains the basic concept of Charity Travel, how we started to do Charity Travel project together, lots of episodes on volunteering and Yeon's general ...

Herinneringen [schets]

Nouakchott to Dakar
My Mauritanian friend gives me some cash to catch a “sept-place” private taxi to the border with Senegal. I catch it somewhere in the outskirts of dusty Nouakchott and receive honest treatment from the taxi operators. It is not too far to the river Senegal and the border, and the scenery is already getting richer. ...