Month: juli 2011

West Africa Journey starts on August 1st.
July 22, 2011. BerlinThis year 2011 we have launched our new platform kindmankind, the web's largest open resource for independent volunteers and creative changemakers. We have built up our online fb-tw-li-yt "empire" and Yeon is finishing her book on Charity Travel (in Korean). The Schengen-zone now gently forces ...

Energy Saving – the Alaska Way

Fleeing from North to South
Of ...

Review of 23 Things they don’t tell you

Fight the System for a Moulded Bell Pepper
Today, in the supermarket, my conscious was brutally raped.
I had intended to buy a trio of red-yellow-green bell peppers and had laid the colorful things, wrapped in crackling plastic, on the belt.
The evil cashier glanced briefly at it as it was conveyed toward her, then resolutely grabbed it and tossed it ...