February 10. Zimbabwe.
We enter Zimbabwe safe and simply by hitchhiking. A couple takes us all the way for a minor gas contribution. We end up in a typical Zimbabwean household, the head of it introduces himself as an entrepreneur waiting to make his next move as he struggles with the symptoms of the dictatorial regime. He calls ...
February 9. Consumerism.
We spend a lazy day writing our memoirs in Beira and take in some of the refreshing sea breeze of the long Mocambiquean coast. Such days, spent in the spirit of happy absent-mindedness commonly known as relaxing, give me the strength to go on and on. The Africa part of Charity Travel is nearing its ...
February 8. Terra Nova.
We pay a visit to our cause here in Beira: Terra Nova, a start-up social company (in the sense of M. Yunnus) composting urban waste. Its goal is to recycle 90% of Beira's urban waste - even mondially a quite unique figure for a town of this size. Sadly, local ngo's are not interested in ...
February 7. To Beira.
The chapa (minibus) to Beira leaves at 4 in the morning, and arrives at around 2pm. The road is long and good, but the seats where we have to try to sit on, provisionally installed in the aile of the jampacked vehicle to transport even more passengers, are not comfortable. Yeon's back hurts and I ...
February 6. That pretty coast.
Vilanculos/Vilankulo. A picturesque coastal town some 600 kilometers north of Maputo. Stroll along the lush boulevard and lodge in one of the beautiful guesthouses as you prepare for your boatride to the miraculous archipelago of Bazaruto where pristine beaches are awaiting the intrepid traveler and diving courses and whales and... okay, we did go to ...
February 5. Hitch. Crash.
We hitch from Maputo to Inhambane. In the boiling morning heat we head out by means of a big construction truck. Oswaldo then takes us to the police control point where we need about half an hour to get picked up by a group of funny men. A pack of partying boys that invite us ...
February 4. Portuguese and Proletarian.
Oswaldo and I buy some of the materials for the exhibition of the children's paintings and photographs. With our donation of 10,000 Meticais most of the expenses are covered.

Yeon sleeps today and regains energy.

Mozambique is treating us well. Maputo might be crowded, and I might have freaked out standing with ...