Helsinki #2. Wet feet.

My night on the couch at Inko’s place was very comfortable, and I woke up around 11. A quick breakfast with cereals and pesto-toast replenished my energy, and I walked into a mild Helsinki day. I spent this day writing and blogging, but I was concerned about my shoes, because the left one had a crack in its sole. A young friendly shoemaker looked at it and said “no, it is unrepairable”. However he filled the crack with a kind of liquid that he airdried fast, and told me, it won’t hold very long but it’s better than nothing. And added “it’s on the house”. Carefully striding with my newly repaired shoes I found a foodcourt with the possibility to avoid the big M, and had a chicken schnitzel that looked better than the picture.
On my way home my feet became wet though. I tried to bury my curses in inner laughs, and almost succeeded by the time I arrived at Inko’s place. We watched a 2004 movie called “Napoleon Dynamite”, a hilarious comedy about the typical American loser-cliche which got us laughing (in fact, “O no!”-ing) more than once.

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